Qu'EST-c'est QUE TU FAIS lÀ?!?!?

Who??? WHAT??? WHYYYYYY???

MTL Sauce Piquante is a record label that was created in order to highlight the incredible music emanating from the global music underground of the multicultural metropolis of Montreal. 

Through a DIY, punk-rock cartoon artistic vision full of artists singing in a plethora of languages and styles, the label is anchored in the energy of a Canadian kitchen party while showcasing the artistic excellence of artists from diverse backgrounds, coming together.


In downtown Montreal during the summer of 2017, the party people would gather after our club night MTL Pachangón ended, going to Oonga's kitchen to eat, drink, laugh, share music and enjoy the fact that the neighbours were on vacation. As the night turned to morning, we would start making beats, recording raps and singing, making noises out of kitchen utensils. By the time the neighbours returned in September and loudly complained about the excessive noise at 5:37 am, it was too late.

The seeds had been planted, the peppers have marinated and the sauce is coming soon!!!


It's almost guaranteed to hear conversations that cycle through 2, 3, 4, or even more languages, often in the same sentence. This project reflects that reality, a cultural kaleidoscope. Music is about community, sharing our cultures, stories and dance moves.

The music of MTL Sauce Piquante is inspired by late night kitchen party sing-alongs, les BBQ de chez nous, loud music dans l'parc, and the joyful songs shared by happy people enjoying each other's company. We are inspired by the DIY punk rock feeling of let's just GO! 

We want everyone to feel welcome at our table, that’s why we sing in so many languages. We’ve been cooking up a storm pis ça commence à être prêt là, we're gona start bringing out some appetizers for your ears!